Contact us: We are happy to take time for you - on all channels.

There is no substitute for a personal consultation in the store. Nevertheless, we are happy to take the time to prepare you as well as possible digitally on the platform of your choice.

Alternatively, you can also use the reservation function to make an appointment at the branch to get the best advice on a specific topic.

031 311 24 57
Book a consultation appointment

Our opening hours


10:00 - 18:30


09:00 - 18:30


09:00 - 18:30


09:00 - 19:00


09:00 - 18:30


09:00 - 17:00

Our store

Our jewelry store has always been located at Marktgasse 29 in the heart of Bern. The front part was completely renovated in 2009 and the rear part in 2012.

We look forward to welcoming you to our store and showing you all the facets that give us so much pleasure every day.


Stadelmann 1972
Marktgasse 29
3011 Berne

Our rare letter

We are not newsletter fans, but there are occasions when we like to inform our customers by e-mail 1-2 times a year. Most recently it was about our anniversary in 2022, the rebranding in 2023 or the launch of this website in 2024.

You are welcome to add your name to the reception list below.

Book a consultation appointment

You can use the form below to book a consultation appointment directly with us on site.