Our shop window decorations

Our shop window decorations

In the store at Marktgasse 29, passers-by can always see a different decoration under the typical Bernese arbor, which sets the scene for the jewelry.

Who creates and plans this decoration and when was the shop window decorated like this for the first time? In this article, we would like to introduce you to our shop window decorations.

Origin of the tradition

When Jürg Stadelmann was able to buy Bijouterie Hofer AG on Marktgasse in 1972, he had two employees he already knew on board: an engraver and an employee who had completed her apprenticeship as a retail clerk with his father Hans Stadelmann.

She was the original initiator of these creative and unusual window displays and implemented countless extraordinary ideas in the relatively large shop windows on Marktgasse and in Amthausgässli. This tradition continues to this day (even after the store was renovated in 2008).

Planning the designs

Towards the end of the year, the management draws up a rough schedule for the coming financial year, taking into account upcoming holidays, excursions, events, Sunday sales and window displays. An exact date is important in order to organize any materials and personnel that may be required.

The shop window day is always a Monday, on which most of the work is carried out from 08:00 to 10:00. The decoration should be finished by midday, as this is when more customers come into the store. The procedure is usually always the same:

The exception is the Christmas window display, which is usually more elaborately designed, as the Christmas season has a very special significance in Bern and in the store. The Stadelmann Christmas window is decorated during the Zibelemärit. The Zibelemärit is the largest market in the city of Bern and takes place on the fourth Monday in November.


In our jewelry store, there is an open exchange of ideas and feedback in all areas: from jewelry design and the solution of standard problems to the appearance of all "advertising channels" (Internet, shop windows, posters and print advertising). It is a normal development for an SME such as Bijouterie Stadelmann to establish standards and habits among its employees and deepen them in certain areas. For example, some employees are more committed to decoration ideas than others.

Goldsmith Antonio Gallo, who has been with Bijouterie Stadelmann since 1997, is now the driving force behind the ideas for the window displays. He visits scrap yards, discovers exciting things on family outings or is inspired by other shop windows while strolling through town. "Most of my ideas come to me when I have peace and quiet. In the evening or at night, for example... That's when the day's experiences are still running around in my head. If you're out and about with your eyes open like I am, you see a rusty Vespa or a gnawing tree bark, for example, and discover a lot of beauty in our world!" he says.

Ludovic Bonvin, Anika Brändle and Micha Stadelmann are also heavily involved in brainstorming. They also find ideas in similar ways in their free time and bring them to the shop windows as the younger generation.

It is important to mention that none of the people have completed a decorating course, but instead rely on experience and trial and error.

Examples of decorations from recent years; stucco work, iron chains and glass crystals


With the introduction of social media and the opening of several digital channels, the Bijouterie also has various ways of documenting the creation of such decorations. In September 2018, Andrin Krieg shot a video for the shop window day. For this, he collected Jägermeister bottles from his circle of friends, borrowed antlers from the Natural History Museum and organized metal moulds from Antonio.

If you have any questions about our current or past decorations, some of which we also sell, we will be happy to provide you with further information. We also post new designs and window decorations here and there on Facebook and Instagram.

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The Trouvaille: Contact requests

In our Trouvaille you will find used jewelry as well as liquidation goods from suppliers at interesting prices. You also have the opportunity to sell your jewelry on consignment. We are also happy to provide you with other information about our store at the back of Marktgasse 29.